Thursday, May 28, 2015

Conversations With Tommy (Book Thoughts: Footnotes, Tommy Tune)

Someone somewhere (I can't remember where now) recommended Tommy Tune's memoir "Footnotes,"  from 1997, saying it was juicy and when I looked on Amazon it was selling for a penny (!) so I ordered it. It took the longest time to arrive (I am guessing media mail) so I almost forgot about it when it did. Whoever it was that recommended it,  I thank you a million times - because I can't remember the last time something worth a penny brought me such joy. It's a poignant, joyous, and yes gossipy little book. It doesn't follow the structure of a normal memoir - it's as if the whole thing was written like a stream of consciousness. He would start to tell a story about something, then remember something so he would continue with that, and then go back to his original thought. It's immensely personal - imagine you are having dinner with him, and then he tells stories from his life, and you can continue as you clear the table, wash the dishes, and end up at his sofa as he wistfully reminisces loves of his life. This book is funny, emotional,. touching - and it gives you a glimpse behind one of the greatest minds ever to hit Broadway. Highly recommended

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