Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Desperate Suburban Housewives (Book Review: Women On The Edge Of A Nervous Breakthrough by Isabel Sharpe)

It took me a week to finish "Women On The Edge Of A Nervous Breakthrough." I have been in a sort of reading rut, and I just couldn't get into it.  But I kept on reading, until I got through a breakthrough last night and I read the last half of the book in one sitting. I just needed to be in the right mood, the right frame of mind, in order to finish it. And I quite liked it. The story revolves around Vivian, who was found not guilty of a sensationalized murder case. (She wasn't) After the trial, she escapes New York City to Kettle, Wisconsin where she wrecks havoc on the town, but then changes the life of two women there. It's partly a social commentary on suburban housewives, on life in small town, on dealing with dreams unrealized. There are cliches, for sure, but they aren't insulting. I know the title is a riff on the Pedro Almodovar film, but the tone of the novel is more reminiscent of the television series "Desperate Housewives." (I am too lazy to check if the time frame of the television show vs. this novel) If for anything, the novel celebrates women empowerment, and I could imagine it may help someone out there somewhere seeking help. 


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