Sunday, December 30, 2012

Vermont Is For Lovers (Book Review: Well-Offed In Vermont, Amy Patricia Meade)

This will probably by my last book review for 2012, and what do you know, it's on a genre I normally don't read: a mystery. More specifically, it is a "cozy mystery," a genre I want t read more. I used to associate these mysteries with an older demographic, and all I can say is: look at me now. The story centers on Nick and Stella, two former Manhattanites who move to Vermont. On their first day there, a man gets killed by the well at their new home, and at first they think it is accidental, only to realize it was murder. It was a fun mystery read: the suspects were laid out, and I guess I am still new to the genre that I was kept guessing until the big reveal. But, what struck me most was my first reaction, which was the murder would not have happened if assault weapons were not as readily accessible to everyone. Maybe I just associated the story with what happened at Newtown, because the setting was in new England. I wish the characters were a little more colorful, not cliched, though. 


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