Friday, August 8, 2014

A Bountiful Trip (Book Review: I'll Get There, It Better Be Worth The Trip, John Davison)

There was a time when I was reading all the gay-themed fiction I could get my hands on, so I was surprised I had not read John Davison's "I'll get there. It better be worth the trip," which was released in 1969 and was one of the first young adult books to handle the subject of homosexuality. Set in 1969, this book tells the story of Davy, who moves to New York City to live with his mother, after his grandmother passes away. It's a coming of half-an-age novel, and it is still very relevant today. As a matter of fact, it could very well be set to today's times. It is a heartbreaking story, and it made me think of my younger days. It is a story of a lot of changes, and how a young person can adapt or not adapt to changes in his life. When he befriends someone in his school, he gets to notice how his feelings change and evolve. Davison handles the sensitive topic well, handling it with a combination of class and innocence. Moreover, I think this book is as much a story of a boy and his dog. This book is not only worth the trip, but also worth the read.

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