Saturday, August 17, 2013

Someday She'll Come Along (Music Review: Christine Caldi, Gotta Have Gershwin)

Even the French get a miss. I don't know who Christine Caldi is, except for the fact that she is French, based on scant information on the internet. I also know she did a Gershwin tribute album, called "Gotta Have Gershwin," and I got it and listened to it, thinking that yes another jazzette doing another generic jazz vocals album. But this album is not generic, I'll let you know. It's bad, she sings flat and out of tune a lot, but what the hey - I can't stop listening to it. I would place it on the so-bad-it-keeps-my-interest category. The pitch problems are noticeable, and I keep on waiting for the next one as she sings. She has a noticeable accent and that's just fine - I subscribe to the school of those giving the performances personality - but she elongates words wrongly, giving *me* the impression that she has no clue what she is singing. I could swear she is singing "It's Wonderful" instead of "S'wonderful" and it makes me giggle. Sometimes the bad is better than the bland the boring, for sure.

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