When I got to work today, an office-mate of mine quickly said, "You smell like Sampaguita." Sampaguita is a jasmine flower from the old country, and it is mainly used to offer idols, whether in church or in real life. A string of it can be given the Virgin Mary shrine, for example, as well as the top television star who is visiting your city. The thing is, I was wearing Do Son by Diptyque, and it is a tuberose fragrance. I used to be afraid of tuberose - it is extremely heady and, for me, the epitome of what I used to not like about white flower scents. To coin an offensive phrase, they smelled of "old ladiies" for me. But as I grew older, and as I explored more and more scents, I became more and more enamored of tuberose, in all its incarnations. I love the really heady in-your-face quality if it, like it screaming at you. "This is Perfume, and I Am wearing It." (Such is the case with Fracas, for example) Do Son doesn't have the obnoxiousness of Fracas. It is sweet and strong, for sure, but after a while it behaves. At first it is a warm tuberose but after the orange flower kicks in, it becomes greenish, it becomes watery (but not aquatic) and it kind of disappears, until you can get a whiff of it and you realize it is still very much there, like a little aura that never leaves you the whole day. It's very floral, it's very pretty, it is quite romantic. The Diptyque description describes it perfectly, and I sometimes forget that I have it, but when I do, I regret not wearing it more often.
“The evening breeze still carries all its mysteries along, soft lulling exhalation, when the scents of heavy flowers and the seaside wind gently mingle at the end of the day.”
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