Saturday, November 19, 2011

Stace Of Wine And Roses

I wanted to read something light and fun, and I thought "Stacy's Dad Has Got It Going On" would be a good choice, based on the cover.  Guess I did not pay attention too much because I actually thought this was a YA title. And it turns out this is the opposite. The book is actually very very smutty, and i had dialogue that made me blush. I started rolling my eyes and became entertained because of how ludicrous the book was. The plot is unbelievable - why would a just-separated father live with his daughter in college? - and the situations sound like they are from a bad sitcom. And the narrator's logic is all over the place that I felt it more a machine than a real person. After I finish the book, I find out that the author, Giselle Renarde is a lesbian, and it seemed weird that she wrote a book where women were being treated as play objects. 


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