Saturday, February 1, 2014

I Went To Their Wedding (Book Review: Legally Wed Rick R. Reed)

I was in the middle of reading another book and was starting to get bored by it when I started reading Rick R Reed's "Legally Wed," and guess what, I quickly forgot all about that other book because I fell in love with this book instantly.  I loved all the characters in this book that even if I never truly believed the situations they were in and disagreed with their decisions, I still empathized and sympathized with them. Duncan, on the hills of celebrating Marriage Equality in the state of Washington, proposes to his boyfriend of three years, only to be rejected, and dumped at the same time. Dejected, he turns to a new found friend, Marilyn and makes a decision. Since he has always wanted marriage and family, decides to get married to this woman. But complications arise (and hilarity ensues) when he falls for the gay wedding planner. See? I told you this had a plot that is a little hard to believe, but Reed is smart enough to have fully drawn characters that you not only believe in the characters, but also enjoy the ride with them. I finished this book in mere hours because I wanted to know right away what would happen to these characters. I felt like I knew these characters inside and out, appreciated their quirkiness, and rooted for them. The last part may have been a little too long-winded but it won't deter from enjoying the book.

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